To Train Up A Child by Michael and Debi Pearl
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Wow. This is a great book, and a quick read! Thanks to Lela for letting me borrow this book! Although I am not quite finished reading it, I am thouroughly impressed with the results that I have seen in the past few days I have been applying the techniques suggested.
How many times have you asked your child to do something, had to count, threaten a spanking or timeout? Have you had temper tantrums? Have you had refusals to do something? Having problems with them going to bed?
Anything you can think of can be corrected! All you have to do is be calm, firm, consistent 100% of the time and you will have a VERY pleasant and loving child who listens to every word you say. Keep in mind you can not show anger or frustration. You must keep calm and not beat, but CORRECT, and TRAIN your child.
There are so many great examples in the book, it is hard to list them without plegarizing the whole book. I have to suggest that this book is probably the most valuable book you could ever purchase in terms of assistance with raising your child(ren) and is only 108 pages long, so a quick read at that. I will purchase my own copy soon, as I am sure Lela doesn't want dog ears and high lights in her copy. I wish that I had come accross this book sooner, but happy that I have gotten the chance to read it BEFORE the twins arrive. It is has already made a big difference.
From the book "To Train Up A Child" by Michael and Debi Pearl
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)." Train up - not beat up. Train up - not discipline up. Train up - not educate up. Train up - not "positive affirmation" up. Training is most often missed element in child rearing. A child needs more than "obedience training," but without it discipline is insufficient. Parents should not wait until their child's behavior becomes unacceptable before they commence training - which would be discipline. Training is not discipline... Training is the conditioning of the child's mind before the crisis arises. It is preparation for future, instant, unquestioning obedience. page 4
Parent, you can't blame your children if you have trained them to obey only after several warnings, threats, an ultimatum, and finally a gesture of force. It's not their fault. It's yours. page 23
Don't think of the rod as a weapon of defense or a show of force, think of it as a "magic wand." The first time parents see its restorative powers they are amazed. page 45
Training must consider the actions, but discipline should be concerned only with the child's attitude. It is embarrassing to see a parent upset at a child for spilling milk or acting his normal, clumsy self. Judge them as God judges us - by the heart. page 77
1 week ago
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